24 July, 2006

blurred vision

I lost my spectacles today. Someone knocked them off my face while I was getting on the train. Is it my fault? I don't know. I am angry with myself.


banthehyphen said...

lafda kiya na?

sorry boss, but dem funny post!


namrata rajkumar said...

dude...i thought u wore contacts!?..didnt ya?

Priyanka Nayar said...

Let us just think that the time for the spectacles and you to part had come. Now you get to go out there and buy new ones

abeer said...

@rubbersoul- funny my ass...
@namz- I thought you knew me better :)
@madhatter- buy new ones... isn't that what I end up doing always!

powerslave said...

Been the similar victim, result of a ego-clash while gettin off the Virar Fast (7.11 was it? ) on my way to the I-Rock 2004. By the time I got down, the train was moving. The I-rock was artificially hazy.